A Panther for Valentine's: A Holiday Date Romance by Lisa Daniels

A Panther for Valentine's: A Holiday Date Romance by Lisa Daniels

Author:Lisa Daniels [Daniels, Lisa]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2023-01-09T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seven – Kathy

She couldn’t stop smiling like a giddy teenager. The entire week had her looping the most intense memories from the time spent with Arven. Her coworkers clearly noticed the mood difference and teased her about it, and when she called her parents, they also thought she sounded a lot happier than usual. Not that she went around frowning all the time, but it seemed everyone noticed something different.

Arven and her had kissed. Hands had roamed, and the pleasure within them both intensified by the second. She liked looping those moments all the way up to when he’d fallen rather unexpectedly asleep. But even then, that memory came with a branch of happiness because it was wonderful to be able to cover him with a blanket and make sure he was sleeping well before crawling into his bed and being wrapped up in his sheets and scent.

She felt slightly crazy, going over those moments, having that weird, delicious tickle in her stomach that people described as butterflies or moths or worms, whatever they were feeling like in the moment.

As Valentine’s Day approached, of course, she made sure she had something for him as well. She picked out a little card, wrote in it as if from a secret admirer, even though it wasn’t exactly a secret at this point. She got some chocolates, and in place of flowers, she got some nice- smelling aftershave. Her budget didn’t really extend beyond that, but hopefully he would appreciate the gesture from her.

With the presents bought, Valentine’s Day homed in, and she woke up for the first time in a long time, actually feeling excited. Usually, it was a day to be avoided, from the sappy romantic love stories on television to being bombarded with pink and red and hearts in every shop.

Now she could look at those overly colorful shops and enjoy what she was looking at without feeling annoyed.

She texted Arven, mentioning her excitement and he responded back with a smiling emoji and, “I really hope you’ll like the surprise I’ve arranged for us!”

Surprise… she could barely stop herself from hopping around the place in excitement knowing that he’d arranged something.

When they met, they were dressed for the cold weather in woolen coats and scarfs, both with bags that they handed to one another with little treats concealed in them. In Arven’s bag were chocolates and perfume. She took out the perfume, and to her delight, saw it was her favorite – one she’d been using for four years, never using it up because she didn’t want it to run out.

“How did you know?”

“I’d like to say my acute panther senses led me to it… but, in reality, the shop clerk knew you when I mentioned whom I was shopping for, and she told me you often just stared at it when you came in.”

“Ah, crap,” Kathy said, blushing. “I must have been pretty obvious.”

“May I ask why the staring?”

“It’s very expensive for me. My old bottle was low


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